Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hockey's Loss

The other day writer Jim Kelley passed away. He was a great hockey writer from Buffalo, NY. I first started reading his columns when they appeared in Sports Illustrated. I was always told that before the internet existed if you wanted to know about the NHL you had to read his column.
    One memorable situation involved Mr. Kelley and Buffalo goaltender Dominick Hasek. After a playoff game in the 1996-1997 season Mr. Kelley wrote an article questioning  Hasek's toughness. A couple of days later Mr. Kelley tried to interview Hasek one on one and Hasek physically attacked him when he approached. The confrontation got so serious that Hasek ripped off Mr. Kelley's shirt. Hasek did apologize later.

     Jim Kelley was a great writer and will be missed.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Goalie Situation Solved for Now

I know I have mentioned in recent posts my concerns about my goalies. Friday on the commuter train home I took out this year's schedule and the schedules from last year. After looking everything over I took out two 3x5 cards wrote each goalie's name at the top and started dividing up the games. When I was done my sophomore goalie will start four games and my senior goalie will start five games not counting the two we have already played. When Friday nights game was over I talked to both goalies and handed them their 3x5 cards. I told each one to look at their cards and let me know if their were any problems.

Friday, December 3, 2010

A Tough Game

Tonight was our second game and its was a tough game which we lost.I could tell the game was not going to be easy when our opponents scored their first goal in 17 seconds. We did ourselves more harm by getting 9 penalties. The team we played tonight were better skaters and passers then we were and they deserved to win.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Since the start of my coaching days I have been fortunate to have good parents. I have heard stories in my coaching certification classes about problem / overzealous parents. My parents have been friendly and supportive. This year my parents are a combination of parents who have been around hockey and parents who are new to high school hockey. I have no problem getting parents to be in our penalty box which is nice. I tell parents that the penalty box is a unique place to watch a game from.
    Feel free to share a story.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On Top of the Standings

When I checked the league's website I noticed my team was one of the teams tied for first. Of course the two teams at the top of the standings have only played one regular season game. After this weekend that may change we will see.